Terms & Conditions

Cottage Details

The property summaries aim to give an accurate description of the cottage (including sleeping capacity) and will be illustrated with appropriate photographs. We are happy to give more information about the cottage, the situation and location, and any other details over the phone.

Check In / Check Out

Check in time is 5.00pm on your holiday start date (normally Fridays) prior to this time our cleaners will still be in the property. Check out time is no later than 9.00am on the day of departure (normally Friday). The property should be left as you found it on arrival (clean and tidy).

What's Included
  • All fuel (gas and electricity) for normal domestic usage is included.
  • Dish washer tablets (1 per day).
  • Tea Towels.
  • Two Bath towels and one hand towel per guest.
  • One hand towel each for the bathroom and toilet.
  • Baths mats.
  • A small number of toilet rolls and basic cleaning products, hand soaps and hand sanitizers etc.
Pet & Smoking Policy
  • Strictly no pets of any type are permitted at the Moorings on or in the property.
  • Smoking Policy Strictly no smoking in the house or on the balconies.

The house has one parking space only in front of the “Moorings” plaque on the fence and near to the telegraph pole. Our neighbours share the block paved area so you should not park more than one vehicle on the block paved area or park to the left of that area. You must not block the road into the back of the house as 6 other properties use this to get their cars to the back of their houses.

Special Needs

Unfortunately the cottage does not specifically meet the needs of wheelchair user or disabled person due to its location. The properties main access is down a small number of steps to the entrance door and the property is two story with a normal internal staircase (No lifts or ramps).


We cannot accept liability for any injury, accident, damage, loss, expense or inconvenience, whether to person or property including cars, which members of the hiring party or any other persons may suffer or incur that arise out of the holiday hire, or is in any way connected with it.

Complaints Procedure

We hope that your holiday will be an enjoyable experience and that the need to complain should not arise during your stay. However should it be necessary to complain we would ask that complaints be made during the stay so that they can be investigated immediately. In no circumstances can compensation be made for any complaints that are made after the holiday hire has ended, or where the hiring party has not allowed us to try to put matters right during the stay.

Cancellation Insurance

We would advise hiring parties to take out insurance cover against the eventuality of cancellation or curtailment of the holiday hire, and also to provide security against damage, losses and injury.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to ensuring that the information you give us is held securely. We will not disclose, sell or distribute your information without your consent. Your privacy will be protected at all times. If you provide us with a review after your stay we will as for your consent before we use this in our website and marketing materials and will only use the content that you provide consent for. If you would like more information on how we store your data, please don’t hesitate to contact us


You can make a booking on our website, via email themooringscottage@gmail.com or if you prefer by calling the owners; Mark: +44 (0)7796 601576 or Margaret: +44 (0)7742042031 and we'll arrange your reservation over the phone.

Formation of Contract

The contract is formed between you and The Moorings Cottages (referred to as "we" or "us") for the provision of short-term holiday rental of the cottage when we issue a booking confirmation form. We reserve the right to refuse a booking prior to issuing a booking confirmation form. We will provide such short term rental subject to these terms and conditions of booking. Your statutory rights are not affected by anything contained in these terms and conditions.


A Deposit: 25% deposit is required when you submit the booking form and the balance is due 8 week before your holiday start date. If you are placing your booking 8 weeks or less from your holiday start date, then the full payment is due at the time of booking. Payment is by bank transfer.

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel your holiday after booking and up to 8 weeks before your holiday is due to take place you may lose the deposit (25%), if however we are able to re-book the property for the same dates and value we will return your deposit minus a £50 Administration fee. If you cancel after you have paid in full i.e. after 8 weeks prior to your holiday start date then you may lose the entire value of the holiday, if however we are able to re-book the property for the same dates and value we will return your deposit minus a £50 Administration fee.

We recommend that you take out holiday insurance to cover cancellation to avoid any losses.If you do not pay for the balance of your holiday 8 weeks before this will be considered to be a cancellation event and you will forfeit your deposit (25%) and the dates booked will be released for other customers. The owners will send a reminder (by email) and try to call you before this is done (in case you have just forgotten).

Refunds in the event of unavailability of the cottage

Should for any reason beyond our control (e.g. fire, vandalism etc) the cottage not be available for the date booked then any charges paid in full by the hiring party will be refunded in full. The hiring party will then have no further claim against us.

Additional Mandatory Conditions
  • No Music to be played outside the property (Gardens / balconies).
  • Parties are not permitted at the property.
  • Parties are not permitted at the property.
  • The maximum occupancy of 4 People and 1 baby(under 3) should not be exceeded.
  • No Barbeques to be used on the balconies or on the Astroturf (it melts).
  • No ball games in the gardens.
  • The accommodation is to be used for holiday purposes only and by the persons named on the booking form.
  • The charging of electric vehicles using the Moorings domestic power supply is strictly not permitted.

The contract of let is between the hirer (the person completing the booking form) and Mark & Margaret, the owners of the Moorings cottage accommodation. We reserve the right to enter the accommodation at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection or to carry out necessary repairs.

Breach of Contract

Failure to comply with the above rental contract will mean that the owners have every right to terminate your rental and you will need to leave the property (with immediate effect). Any costs for damages, losses, repairs, cleaning charges etc will then need to be settled by you!